Wednesday, April 11, 2007

from beng..

This is my favorite dannie-bie theory. I got this back in november 2004. I have this posted in my blogs. cogitations@blogdrive and cogitations@blogger

ANOTHER OF BHENGS THEORY (sfx :mad laughter pls and thunder!!)

we all think and accepted the fact that people
make mistakes,,, and before i used to tell my
self that in order to survive the dangerous and
mossy jungle of human relationship, one must
learn to admit that sometimes we are the
mistakes that people who became dear to us
commit.and it takes gutts to admit that in you
hangs a placard that tells the whole world that
hey world!! i am his/her mistake!!! crucify me!!

but now i defy that former theory of mine,,,
this time i came to realize that we actually do
not commit mistakes.. the term mistake and if i
may suggest thenn i consider it politically
wrong... hehehe... kidding aside... we dont make
mistakes,,, we make choices... again i say not
mistakes... the term mistake is determined
whether by set of standards rules and anwer
keys,,, but come to think of it.. in life there
are no definite standards on how to one is
supposed to be running his/her life. wat hurts
us and what makes us sad or makes us feel
uncomfortable and anything in between makes us
think that its because of that mistake,,. but
no... its called consequences, end result end
product that one must have to face. why? because
its a choice that you made maybe alone or with
another... but never a mistake... its a choice.

so why burden yourself thinking about mistakes
that would eventually eat you and consume you?
and why did we ever thought of that?? hehehhe
anyone whose braincells and neurons agree with me
or anyone was led astray by this feel free to
send me a message or post something that would
either atest or defy this. warning..this just one
of my few and occassional theories.. and lets all
be guiged,, ladies and gentlemen... that theories
reamin to be true until proven wrong... ciao!!!

i'm not sure if i would be able to come up with a theory as well.. but maybe i have, i'm just not to sane to notice. bwhahahah!

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