Saturday, July 7, 2007


i think i have gone numb. or i've lost the emotions of a woman and turned into a guy.
but don't get me wrong.. i'm not turning into a guy.. it's just that the feelings and reactions in a relationship is that of a guy's..

so, how are guys in a relationship?! apathetic. (okay, so, not all are, but most)

or maybe my guard is just up.. but when you love, don't you have yourself susceptible to hurt and pain?!

waaaah!! i'm starting to confuse myself..

it's like, i'm starting to make a point and then, i would contradict myself..

haaay.. i need time to think, but i don't want to! i think it would drive me crazier!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

crapping out...

This is something I read few weeks ago... and this is my heroic attempt.. to save lives,,,( well... those who deserve to live,,(evil laugh) .. it might help... add few mili second of your existence.

The Day After A Stressful Event, Rats Lose Brain Cells

Guys,,,,, A single, socially stressful situation can kill off new nerve cells in the brain region that processes learning, memory, and emotion, and possibly contribute to depression, new animal research shows.
yup you heard it right,,,
Researchers found that in young rats, the stress of encountering aggressive, older rats did not stop the generation of new nerve cells--the first step in the process of neurogenesis. But stress did prevent the cells, located in the hippocampus, from surviving, leaving fewer new neurons for processing feelings and emotions.

The hippocampus is one of two regions of the brain that continues to develop new nerve cells throughout life, in both rats and humans. The reduction of neurogenesis could be one cause of depression, says senior author Daniel Peterson, PhD, of the Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science, near Chicago. His team reports their findings in the March 14 issue of The Journal of Neuroscience.

"This is strong evidence that the effects of social stress on neurogenesis occur after a delay of 24 hours or more, providing a possible time window for treatment after acute episodes of stress," says Henriette van Praag, PhD, of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies.

When Peterson and his research team put a young rat in a cage with two older rats for 20 minutes, the resident rats quickly pinned down and, in many cases, bit the intruder. The team reported that intruder rats were fearful and acted depressed around the bigger, more mature animals and had stress hormone levels six times as high as young rats that didn't experience a stressful encounter.

Examining the rats' brains under a microscope, the scientists discovered that even with high levels of stress hormones, the young, stressed rats generated as many new cells as their unstressed counterparts. Previous research had led some to think that hormone levels played a role in blocking the generation of new cells or caused them to die early on. But a week after the encounter, the team found that only a third of the cells generated under stress had survived. Long-term survival of nerve cells was also compromised: When Peterson's team marked newborn cells in the hippocampus, subjected rats to stress a week later, then examined brain tissue at the end of a month, they counted a third fewer fully developed nerve cells.

"The next step is to understand how stress reduced this survival," says Peterson. "We want to determine if anti-depressant medications might be able to keep these vulnerable new neurons alive."

The work was supported by a grant from the National Institute on Aging at the National Institutes of Health.


Thursday, April 12, 2007

no apologies needed

i believe we would be filling this up with whatever will cross our heads.. thus.. crap! bwahahahaha!

i still listen to monster radio (remember dax and mam silverio) rx 93.1's morning rush! i still wasn't able to grow out of it i guess. chico and delamar seem to entertain me more and more! hahaha! maybe because i understand what they're talking about more now than back in my elementary days! hah! i started listening to them when i was in second year high school and to my surprise, that was their third year of airing! so, it has been almost 8 years already.. although i wasn't able to listen religiously, when it's time for their show and i have means to listen to the radio and choose the station, i would turn the dial towards their program.

i guess i won't be tired with their funny antics and how they view life and their points of view that most of the time i lack of! like all rushers, whenever i'm listening to them i would need to stop myself from laughing or even having that big grin, specially when i'm using my phone to listen to them! so far, i have been successful.. but it's really hard and almost painful.. hah!

i don't listen to other radio stations really, so, i'm not able to get a dose of their abuse of the radio industry.. haay.. i'll take your word for it, beng, besides, between us, you would be the expert here. haaay.. i really wanted to take up mass communication and really thought the fun that it would bring.. but oh, well.. engineering swept me off my feet that time. i guess, it still does. it's just too bad i still can't go back to school. but, eventually i will.. i hope.. whatever!

so, there, another crap.. let's just keep the crap flowing 'eh?!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

sure there is,,

I wonder when will the next theory,,, ooze out form my dehydrated brainy shells,,, hehhe. For some time now ive been an ermitanyo in my cave... aside from short visits from errol my dear and some friends,, life,, i can say has been stagnant... like metal thing waiting for the next corrosion will happen... I do have short thoughts,,, too short one liner s as we call them,,, but,,, let's see, maybe tommorow ill be able to revive few dead braincells to get me goin again,, although before i end,,, i would like to comment on 89.9 magic,,, they sure know,, how to give me good laughs,, very witty,,, creative,, especially when they camouflage something bastos and it turns out sounding like a decent comment,, boi o boi,,,, laugh your heart out,.. not that im campaigning for the mojo jojo's and moe's" greenhouses inside their mind,,, but the dj there,,, are ,, witty and wise,, and knows the radio industry,,, unlike others,, who sounded like after having a call center experience were put on air with out any backgrounds on the radio ethics and stuffs,,, people people,, radio is an industry!! not a circus!! try to listen to different stations,, youll get wat this blah blah of mine,, isall about, barn,, forgive me for,,, this crap,,,
its just that im listening online to magic right now... hehhehe

sure there is,,

I wonder when will the next theory,,, ooze out form my dehydrated brainy shells,,, hehhe. For some time now ive been an ermitanyo in my cave... aside from short visits from errol my dear and some friends,, life,, i can say has been stagnant... like metal thing waiting for the next corrosion will happen... I do have short thoughts,,, too short one liner s as we call them,,, but,,, let's see, maybe tommorow ill be able to revive few dead braincells to get me goin again,, although before i end,,, i would like to comment on 89.9 magic,,, they sure know,, how to give me good laughs,, very witty,,, creative,, especially when they camouflage something bastos and it turns out sounding like a decent comment,, boi o boi,,,, laugh your heart out,.. not that im campaigning for the mojo jojo's and moe's" greenhouses inside their mind,,, but the dj there,,, are ,, witty and wise,, and knows the radio industry,,, unlike others,, who sounded like after having a call center experience were put on air with out any backgrounds on the radio ethics and stuffs,,, people people,, radio is an industry!! not a circus!! try to listen to different stations,, youll get wat this blah blah of mine,, isall about, barn,, forgive me for,,, this crap,,,
its just that im listening online to magic right now... hehhehe

from beng..

This is my favorite dannie-bie theory. I got this back in november 2004. I have this posted in my blogs. cogitations@blogdrive and cogitations@blogger

ANOTHER OF BHENGS THEORY (sfx :mad laughter pls and thunder!!)

we all think and accepted the fact that people
make mistakes,,, and before i used to tell my
self that in order to survive the dangerous and
mossy jungle of human relationship, one must
learn to admit that sometimes we are the
mistakes that people who became dear to us
commit.and it takes gutts to admit that in you
hangs a placard that tells the whole world that
hey world!! i am his/her mistake!!! crucify me!!

but now i defy that former theory of mine,,,
this time i came to realize that we actually do
not commit mistakes.. the term mistake and if i
may suggest thenn i consider it politically
wrong... hehehe... kidding aside... we dont make
mistakes,,, we make choices... again i say not
mistakes... the term mistake is determined
whether by set of standards rules and anwer
keys,,, but come to think of it.. in life there
are no definite standards on how to one is
supposed to be running his/her life. wat hurts
us and what makes us sad or makes us feel
uncomfortable and anything in between makes us
think that its because of that mistake,,. but
no... its called consequences, end result end
product that one must have to face. why? because
its a choice that you made maybe alone or with
another... but never a mistake... its a choice.

so why burden yourself thinking about mistakes
that would eventually eat you and consume you?
and why did we ever thought of that?? hehehhe
anyone whose braincells and neurons agree with me
or anyone was led astray by this feel free to
send me a message or post something that would
either atest or defy this. warning..this just one
of my few and occassional theories.. and lets all
be guiged,, ladies and gentlemen... that theories
reamin to be true until proven wrong... ciao!!!

i'm not sure if i would be able to come up with a theory as well.. but maybe i have, i'm just not to sane to notice. bwhahahah!